Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Soaked Pancakes

When I first started reading about soaking grains over a year ago I was intimidated and overwhelmed. It took me awhile, but today I made my first recipe using soaked grains and it was a SUCCESS and SO easy! In the words of Sister Bear after taking her first bite of these: "I'm just warnin' ya! These are Yuh - Uh - Uh - Uh - MEEEE!"

*If you're interested in reading about the benefits of soaking grains, just google "soaking grains." There's no shortage of information!


2 Cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
2 Cups Yogurt (you could also use buttermilk or kefir)
2 eggs
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 Tbsp Butter, melted


1. Mix the flour with the yogurt and place it in a warm place for 12-24 hours. (I set the bowl inside the oven.)

2. When you're ready to make the pancakes, stir in the rest of the ingredients. Add water to obtain desired thickness. I suggest adding only a little bit at a time because it doesn't take a great deal of water to make your pancakes thin.

3. Cook on a hot, oiled griddle or cast iron skillet. I use coconut oil.

Mom Tip We love thinly sliced strawberries in our pancake batter!

1 comment:

  1. I've been soaking my grains, too. Well, mostly. I'm not always religious about it. It's easy to be overwhelmed by sites which say you will die of malnutrition if you don't soak every grain you eat. Obviously, that is not true. My favorite way to make pancakes is with sourdough, but I'm going to try your way, too.

    I also make a baked oatmeal with soaked oatmeal, which I call "cookie casserole" since that is the only way kiddo will eat it! LOL.
